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Original Article
Year: 2023 I Volume: 5 I Issue: 1 I Pages I 7-15

Willingness to pay for treatment of complications associated with high blood pressure among hypertensive patients in Pakistan: A cross-sectional study


Haroon Bashir1,2*, Maira Barkatullah1, Awais Saber2


1 Department of Public Health, Health services academy, Islamabad, Pakistan

2 Department of Pharmacy, Mirpur university of science and technology, Mirpur, Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.


* Corresponding Author:


Haroon Bashir, Pharm D, MSPH

Email address:


Source of funding:  None


Conflict of interest: None


Submission date: 08 January 2023


Acceptance date: 07 February 2023


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Key words: Willingness-to-pay; High blood pressure; Contingent valuation method; Survey and questionnaires; Azad Kashmir.





Background: Hypertension is the leading cause of cardiovascular mortality and morbidity around the globe. Willingness to pay (WTP) is the technique to evaluate the health care program from the consumer’s perspective. This technique is measured and valued for future perspective. The objective of this study is to investigate WTP for treatment of complications associated with high blood pressure among hypertensive patients in Pakistan. Methods: A cross sectional observational study was conducted for 6 months from April to September 2019. Well-designed questionnaires were developed to collect information on socio-demographic characteristics, medical belief and hypothetical scenario of willingness to pay. We distributed 320 questionnaires to hypertensive patients in Kashmir institute of cardiology linked with District Head Quarter hospital, Al-shifa hospital Mirpur, Noor memorial hospital & Mohi-ud-Din hospital in Mirpur city, Pakistan. Results: We analyzed 280 questionnaires which were correctly and completely filled giving a response rate of 87.5% in which 69.6% were males and 30.4% were females. Around 39.6% of participants were 51-60 years old. About 81.8% were willing to pay for life time. Almost half 52.5% were willing to pay for stoke more than three thousand rupees. Occupation and monthly income had significant effects on WTP for the treatment of complications of hypertension. Conclusion: Majority of participants were willing to pay from their monthly income for the management of complications associated with hypertension. This indicates the awareness of patients about the importance of disease management for better healthcare.  



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